The cultural and creative sectors in the Euro-Mediterranean region face significant growth challenges, particularly in acquiring the skills needed to operate transnationally and adapt to digital transformations, such as e-commerce. To address these pressing needs, Materahub, was invited by the Cypriot Organization for European Programmes and Cultural Relations (OEPCR) to design the content of a specialized training program for cultural and creative professionals operating in the Mediterranean regions.
The initiative was implemented in close collaboration with Anna Lindh Euro-Med Foundation for Dialogue between Cultures that promoted the course among its members and the same Organisation for European Programmes and Cultural Relations which promoted is as the National Contact Points for the European programs related to the field of culture, the management of the “Creative Europe Desk” Cyprus and the National Contact Point for the “Citizens, Equality, Rights, Values” programme.

The educational programme
The training was conducted in October 2024 and consisted of 3 online courses (9 modules), one-hour weekly live sessions with a duration of around 5 weeks, and a final 4-day training and networking event in Cyprus, held from December 6 to 9, 2024, around the Day of the Mediterranean.
The program drew on advanced methodologies from previous EU-funded projects, including Materahub’s own initiatives, DEUS and CYANOTYPES. Its structure included online micro-learning sessions integrating written and video materials, interactive activities, self-reflection exercises, and live discussions to enhance engagement.
The course content ranged from fundamental entrepreneurial skills tailored to the cultural and creative industries (CCI) to interpersonal and intrapersonal competencies, such as adaptability, leadership, effective communication, teamwork, and the use of digital tools for marketing and project management.
Participants who completed the training received a certification equivalent to 1 ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System), fully recognized within the EU tertiary education framework, adding tangible value to their professional and academic development.

Expectations and Results
The call for the course, initially meant to involve creative and cultural professionals from Cyprus, was open and spread, through the network of Anna Lindth Foundation, all over the Mediterranean and much beyond. This ensured that over 120 applications were submitted from Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy but also Latvia and the Netherlands as well as a big group from the MENA region (Jordan, Egypt, Lebanon). Out of these 120 applications, 70 participants enrolled in the course and 40 got the final certification with 30 joining the face to face 4-day workshop in Limassol during December 2024.