MateraHub Launches the new European Specialisation Programme PICC - Promoting Innovation in the Cultural and Creative Industries
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project description
RegenerAction aims to define and find a common agreement on the Urban Community Builder competence framework for urban regeneration projects, by training them with innovative living labs that implement their green and digital skills, and their knowledge on how to establish public-private-people partnerships.
Urban Community Builders are agents of change, creating relationships, collaborating and cooperating, through a holistic and multidisciplinary approach, embracing the new challenges of participation as an opportunity. Furthermore, through the Augmented Reality Manifesto, the project aims to provide a visual, innovative and interactive summary of the UCBs’ vision, values and policy recommendations.
- Regeneraction Path Handbook (the Urban Community Builder Professional Profile and Competency Framework)
- Training in the form of Living lab (Matera)
- Training Package
- Visual AR Manifesto and Policy Recommendations
- Podcasts
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