CREASSE Topics programme project description CREASSE project emerges with the intention to build resilient rural communities through the development of collective initiatives in the field of SSE from an inclusive…
All the projects in progress managed by Materahub or those in which the consortium is involved
CREASSE Topics programme project description CREASSE project emerges with the intention to build resilient rural communities through the development of collective initiatives in the field of SSE from an inclusive…
RURAL RiSE, a COSME European project to revitalize rural areas by promoting social entrepreneurship, sustainable skills development, and green job.
The PRO-MOTE project seeks to enhance solidarity and democratic engagement in EU communities by boosting employment and entrepreneurial opportunities for migrants and refugees.
GreenCCIrcle aims to equip CCIs with tools for sustainable transformation, emphasizing creativity, critical thinking, and entrepreneurship to address climate change.
Cultural BEES is an Erasmus+ project aiming to develop and implement a training program and digital toolkit that support the promotion of entrepreneurship skills in the Cultural and Creative Industry among youth.
E-ART aims artists to influence-support the co-creation, circulation and promotion of sustainability and climate change in Europe.
Localy is an Erasmus Plus project LOCALY aiming to empower young people to mitigate environmental problems within their local communities.
CROP follows on from the ‘Arts & Humanities Entrepreneurship Hub’ project, which aimed to link the world of university education with the world of business, in the cultural and creative sector CROP goes even further by focusing on skills for cross-fertilisation of the cultural and creative sector with other sectors of the European economy (potremmo aggiungere qui una piccolo nota del tipo – clicca sul pulsante in alto a dx nella homepage per sapere di più su A&H)
This project aims to develop & integrate Art & Design micro-credential courses into existing HE programs focusing on skills deemed necessary for the Green Transition, SDGs and the New European Bauhaus.
SACCORD, funded by Erasmus Plus Forward-Looking Project scheme, focuses on advancing the Large Scale Partnership for Creative Pact for Skills. Our mission includes establishing Local Ecosystem Partnerships to align creative skills development locally, supporting the European Skills Agenda.