
project description

The initiative wants to develop an innovative model of promotion of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurship education based on the key concept that education, and in this case entrepreneurship education, happens everywhere, particularly in those environments where first education is provided (family).

With that focus that entrepreneurship education has to be “taught” at school and outside school, that is as a formal and non-formal education transversal content, the aim of this project is that parents have to receive a basic training to enhance and facilitate (as facilitators) the first steps of the community and society in entrepreneurial learning and attitude, so that they all acquire basic and transversal entrepreneurial skills. If this environment and its actor are not ready to transfer entrepreneurial competences, skills and knowledge, the community will not be able to start thinking, acting and seeing itself as entrepreneurial.


To work with the target group like a partner with experience in research and analysis , an Intermediary Body in charge of local policy for employment and entrepreneurship, one European network representing target group (parents), two experts organizations on the topic of entrepreneurship education, a technical partner in charge of the networking and e-learning platform, and the last partner with wide experience and representation of training activity for community actors, operators (families, teachers, social workers).

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