May 2024

Sedimentazioni: Nurturing Civic Engagement In Matera
Materahub and the Municipality of Matera have launched Sedimentazioni, an initiative aiming to support local communities in understanding the complexity of urban transformation through co-governance. The project involves workshops, discussions, and case studies to enhance civic engagement and bridge the gap between people’s needs and urban policies. Participants from diverse backgrounds explore concepts like common goods and participatory budgeting, fostering community involvement and addressing prejudices.
RESEO: Spring 2024 edition of “Funding the Arts
Materahub invites cultural organisations to join the”Funding the Arts: Creating an Erasmus+ Proposal course online from May 27 to June 24, 2024. This program provides essential skills for crafting successful Erasmus+ proposals, offering practical knowledge, personalised support, and the opportunity to refine project ideas. Who should attend? Performing arts organisations and nonprofits in arts education aiming for Erasmus+ funding in 2025. Outcomes include Mastery of Erasmus+ application procedures, refined project concepts, and personalised feedback and support. Register by May 24, 2024!
The European Network for Innovation for Inclusion is organizing an annual call for good practices in two categories: socio-labour inclusion and inclusive entrepreneurship. They seek innovative projects that address new challenges, use new methodologies, transform difficult realities into opportunities, and initiate social change. The three finalists in each category will be invited to a European event with all expenses paid, where the award will be presented, and a study visit to the winning entity will be organized. Participating in this call will increase the scalability, transferability, and sustainability of the selected projects. Deadline to submit is June 14, 2024.
Promoting EU
Promoting Europe is the official Materahub dissemination channel to stay updated on news, communities and opportunities coming from European projects.
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Entrecomp4Transition: Self Diagnosis Tool
The EntreComp4Transition self-diagnosis tool aims to help organisations learn more about the green and digital profiles of their companies. Through self-reflection and self-assessment, users can assess their current digital and green competences and analyse potential skills gaps for twin transition in their company. At the end of the test, you will receive feedback and thereby discover what your profile level is and finally will be able to take the next step to improve them.