
Become Part Of The Revolution!
To feed the work of the KIC on the cultural and creative industries, Materahub launched the survey “Learning Programmes Mapping Activity” dedicated to explore the state of the art of the European non-formal educational system for the cultural and creative professionals.
CraftHub International Exhibition
The exhibition “Craft Hub, Investigating craft practices across Europe” starts on Saturday 1 April in the “Ex Ospedale San Rocco”, Piazza San Giovanni, in the historical centre of Matera, Italy.
The Crafthub project will present some of the project’s emerging results, including a selection of raw and experimental tools and materials that illustrate the process, video tutorials, interviews to makers and much more.
The exhibition, which will remain open until April 14, also includes various collateral activities and talks in which the objectives and impacts of Crafthub on three important and current issues will be explored: circular economy, social inclusion and empowerment.
Presenting the mapping activities of EIT KIC Culture & Creativity in the area of education to the Large Scale Partnership of the Pact for Skills for CCIs
The Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication and Materahub are currently responsible to run a mapping action to understand what is the current offer in Europe of educational programs for Higher Education, Vocational Education and Training, non formal education.
EntreComp for Social and Creative Industries presents the two blueprints CYANOTYPES (blueprint for CCIs) and BasE (blueprint for social enterprises)
A conversation on how the two blueprints, funded by Erasmus+ program, will approach the topic of entrepreneurial competences development in the cultural and creative sector and in the social economy.
This is Entrepreneurship4All
Discover Entrepreneurship4All, the new European entrepreneurial e-learning platform based on four main pillar competences: Entrepreneurial, Digital, Financial and Sustainability.
Creative Business Cup ‘23
The CBC is an annual global competition involving creative startups, businesses, investors, brilliant speakers, and innovation experts from over 80 countries. A community that focuses all of its attention on fostering innovation and creative business endeavours.
Creative Industries include advertising, architecture, crafts, design, experience technologies, fashion, film, video and photography, gastronomy, leisure, music, performing arts, publishing, radio and television, software – games for computers and electronics, makers of 3D printers, toys and games.
Promoting EU
Promoting Europe is the official Materahub dissemination channel to stay updated on news, communities and opportunities coming from European projects.
Read what’s new and follow us to keep in touch.
The Circle - Closing the Circle
The Circle project has brought together the skills, frameworks and inspiration that empower resilience for creative and non-creative entrepreneurs all across Europe.
The Circle program, closed with the Circle online festival, has been a cross-country, cross-disciplinary Erasmus+-funded program for European freelancers and entrepreneurs organized by a consortium of 4 partners: Impact Hub Bucharest and Zitec in Romania, Impact Hub Madrid in Spain and Matera Hub in Italy.
MateraHub was responsible for developing the training course on Creativity and showed how creativity positively impacts the wellness of a business.
Also the practices and frameworks that empower creative and non-creative businesses and maximize their potential were carried throughout the modules of the course.
We are Cyanotypes
We invite you to join this growing community. A collaboration, congregation and cooperation of diverse minds coming together to map, anticipate and co-develop frameworks for the future of creative skills.
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