June 2023


Before last week, I would have never believed that the 2023 “Rising Stars – Reconnecting with Nature” Prize of the New European Bauhaus would be awarded to Noi Ortadini, a group of active citizens that I co-founded to regenerate a green space in Matera.

Sara Simeone, Project Manager at Materahub and co-founder of Noi Ortadini (NEB Prizes 2023 awarded project) talks about new models for green urban regeneration.

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Last week I sat in front of Elisa Ferreira, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reform, and I dared to ask her if the European Commission would ever provide a clear indication in binding the investment of the Cohesion Funds to cultural priorities.

Roberta Capozucca, Communication Officer at Materahub, participated in the New European Bauhaus Prizes ceremony in Bruxelles.

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The 2023 edition of R2B was dedicated to talents and skills. It was like surfing on a physical let’s astonish each others-platform where universities, innovation networks, research labs, startups, and large companies met and presented the latest technologies and/or upskills programs for the development of innovative projects.

Along with our colleagues and founding partners from the EIT Culture&Creativity, we confronted the skills gap in the cultural and creative sector.

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Open Call: Transnational Training of Entrepreneurship

Materahub is looking for two Italian participants for the Transnational Training that will take place in Matera from the 12th and 14th of September.

This training aims to develop the skills and competencies of start-uppers and entrepreneurs in sustainable entrepreneurship.

Travel and meal expenses will be supported through the GreenComp Enterprises project. There are limited places so contact with partners to express your motivation to participate.

Apply here >>

International Summer School 2023: eXtended Reality and Artificial Intelligence

The XR&AI Summer School is an event that will take place from next 17th until the 22nd of July in Matera, Italy.

This program focuses on the combination of eXtended Reality (XR) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for various fields such as cultural and territorial heritage, medicine, and industry.

The summer school welcomes participants from Ph.D. and Master’s programs, post-doctoral researchers, and both academic and industrial researchers.

Apply here >>

Promoting EU

Promoting Europe is the official Materahub dissemination channel to stay updated on news, communities and opportunities coming from European projects.
Read what’s new and follow us to keep in touch.

Making agritourism an attractive business for young entrepreneurs

Treasure Hunt is a project that promotes sustainable travel in Europe through agritourism, training agricultural entrepreneurs to innovate their businesses by connecting agriculture and tourism.

Have a look at the first newsletter to find out the goals achieved until now and what upcoming steps during the next year.

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Supporting social inclusion through crafts workshops

The CrafthubEu Project is bringing bespoke workshops to promote craft to different targets in Matera. Whether you are a local, tourist, student, or part of an underrepresented or marginalized group, there is something for everyone.

They communicate the importance of creating a sustainable and circular economy while supporting social inclusion and equal opportunities for all.

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