MAGMA Residency is a transdisciplinary artistic residency program in Matera, Italy from November, 11th 2024 to December, 1st 2024. Send your application!
Read More >>Marketing4Artists
project description
Marketing 4 Artists (M4A) has been funded to adapt vocational education to the labor market needs, increasing the attractiveness of the art curricula in the VET field and providing to art students the necessary marketing skills, with the final aim to empower their future professional career.
The objective of M4A is to design specific contents related to the marketing skills needed by art students with the aim to empower their professional career once they have finished the VET school. M4A proposes a joint of marketing abilities that adapt the VET art curricula to the labour market needs (both as employee and self-employee).
- Transnational report with a detailed analysis on needs of artists and art teachers about how to improve skills in marketing related to art.
- Training platform. An interactive platform to acquire important knowledges and crucial soft skills to foster artist careers.
- Local, national and European policies to adopt M4A. Policy recommendation to adopt M4A methodology and outputs in other European contexts.
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