Localy - Local Capacity and Awareness of Life for Youth

project description

The project aims to empower young people to mitigate environmental problems within their local communities. It will develop an innovative toolkit containing learning materials specifically adapted to the needs of youth organizations, and that will lead young people through a process of exploration and reflection, problem identification, solution development, community-based implementation, evaluation and presentation.


The project aims to produce the following results:
  • support young people to implement their self-initiated local environmental projects & to disseminate it to more youth organizations;

  • train youth workers to implement the localy toolkit with groups of young people & to provide them with a green youth leadership certificate;

  • increase local awareness, evaluate project results and outcomes & draft a call to action;

  • present and promote localy toolkit to youth organizations, project results to policy makers & support partners to recruit young people or to form partnerships with local youth organizations

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