A tale from the first edition of Magma Residency, a transdisciplinary artistic residency designed to foster a diverse and collective vision for the future of Matera.
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project description
Cultural and creative industries (CCIs) are at the heart of the creative economy: represent a 6.8% of GDP in Europe and 6.5% of EU workforce, approximately 14.0 million. The Ecodesign Working Plan 2016-2019 contributes to the Commission’s new initiative on the Circular Economy, which promotes a transition towards a more circular economy in the EU. Product design is a key aspect in this respect and in future, Ecodesign should make a much more significant contribution to the circular economy (Ecodesign Working Plan 2016- 2019.EC).
CCIs, like all other industries, are dependent on the material world. Reuse, repurposing, recycling or upcycling are all examples of a broad and unstoppable movement which is reevaluating and maximising resource value through Ecodesign. At the 2nd Green Skills Forum 2014, OECD LEED-Cedefop presented some key challenges for meeting skill needs for green jobs, evidencing that there is an urgent need to support green job skills development strategies in order to prevent the emergence skills bottlenecks in our countries, supporting VET acquisition of Ecodesign and a smooth transition from brown to green jobs.
There is also strong evidence that Work-Based Learning (WBL) helps to equip young people with the skills that can improve their employability and ease the transition from school to work. Nevertheless, existing analysis and policy papers in the countries of the project (France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Malta, Spain and UK) evidence that there is still too much distance between the educational environment and the workplace in these countries.
Ecodesign4EU project aims to address these challenges designing a new European ECVET Curriculum of reference on Ecodesign for sustainable CCIs, promoting innovative WBL methods and pedagogies addressed to Initial and Continuous VET students, target beneficiaries of the project, in order to acquire and apply Ecodesign principles to CCIs, contributing to lead the transition to a Circular Economy in these sectors. The project will also apply successful and innovative VET methods and tools in Ecodesign principles applied to CCIs, previously tested by the partners.
- Transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications.
- Developing partnerships aimed at promoting work-based learning in all its forms.
- Initial and continuous professional development of VET teachers, trainers and mentors in both school and work-based settings.
8 European VET experts and providers, companies and intermediary bodies of the CCIs from 7 countries (France, Greece, Italy, Ireland, Malta, Spain and UK) will work together defining common strategies design and carry out the following Outputs:
- IO1 – European ECVET Curriculum of reference on Ecodesign for sustainable Creative and Cultural Industries.
- IO2 – ECOdesign4EU Virtual Campus. Includes the following Open Educational Resources:
- An Online Instructional Guide on Digital Competencies for Virtual Learning.
- A set of structured Training Modules.
- Vocational Open Online Courses (VOOC).
- IO3 – Ecodesign4EU Mobile Assessment App.
- IO4 – Guidelines to foster transparency and recognition of Ecodesign for sustainable CCIs Target users and beneficiaries are:
- VET teachers, trainers and mentors.
- Initial and Continuous VET students. Ecodesign4EU will directly involve 109 VET and in company teachers and trainers (32 partners staff /42 experts involved / 35 target users in pilots), 175 I-VET and C-VET students (in pilots) and 535 stakeholders.
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